Solo Series

Circadian Rhythm (Part 1)

Season 1, Episode #06

April 4, 2024


In part one of this two-part solo series, Dr. Crawford discusses the importance of considering circadian biology and going back to the foundation of how cells and the brain are designed to function properly. Dr. Brandon Crawford highlights strategies like sun exposure, proper illumination, and timing of eating to help break through therapy plateaus and improve overall health.

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Show Notes

In this episode of the Longevity Formula podcast, Dr. Brandon Crawford discusses the fascinating topic of circadian biology and its profound impact on our health and well-being. He delves into the intricate symphony of life orchestrated by our internal clocks and emphasizes the critical role of timing in maintaining optimal health and functioning. Dr. Crawford provides valuable insights into the fundamental principles of circadian biology, explaining the significance of factors such as light exposure and food timing.

He also discusses the implications of disrupted circadian rhythms on various health conditions, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy and consistent sleep-wake cycle. Overall, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the role of circadian biology in promoting longevity and optimal health. Stay tuned for the next episode, Circadian Rhythm Part 2, where Dr. Crawford discusses ways that we can apply this foundational knowledge within our own lives.

What You’ll Learn

  • Understanding the significance of circadian biology for optimal health.
  • Exploring the impact of circadian rhythms on various aspects of life, including mental health, metabolism, and disease prevention.
  • Learning about the internal timing system and its interactions with light, food, and daily rhythms.
  • Discovering the genetic and cellular mechanisms behind circadian rhythms.
  • Exploring the implications of disrupted circadian rhythms on overall well-being and disease susceptibility.
  • Discussing strategies for restoring and maintaining optimal circadian health through bio restore methodologies.

Ideas Worth Sharing

“A disrupted circadian clock is the mother of all maladies. — Dr. Brandon Crawford

“Light for health is not the same as light for sight.” — Dr. Brandon Crawford

“What fires together, wires together.” — Dr. Brandon Crawford

“The path to longevity is paved with small, daily decisions.” — Dr. Brandon Crawford

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Whether you have questions, require consultation, or wish to invite Dr. Crawford to speak at your event or conference, we encourage you to reach out.

Talk With Dr. Crawford
Dr. Brandon Crawford speaking and giving a presentation at an event.